Yesim Baykal

Yesim Baykal currently working as a consultant on intellectual property, innovation, technology, technology transfer, and sustainable development, has spent more than 30 years working on focusing on international law, sustainable development, technology transfer, and innovation. She has managed and developed many projects in intellectual property, climate change, global health, and food security. She has an extensive global network, knowledge, and experience in innovation, intellectual property, and technology transfer issues. She completed her LLM degree in international law in the US.

Previously she worked in the UN Headquarters in New York and in World Trade Organization (WTO), and then in World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. In the WTO, she covered intellectual property issues. In WIPO she worked as a Senior Program Officer at the Global Challenges Division. She focused on global health, climate change, and food security. At WIPO, she was part of the team managing the WIPO GREEN project: an interactive platform that promotes innovation and diffusion of green technologies by connecting technology and service providers with those seeking innovative solutions.

She joined the UN Technology Bank for LDCs after her work at WIPO. She worked at the Technology Bank for 4 years as a Programme Management Officer, managing projects, developing policies, and working on funding issues focusing on the least developed countries. Among others, she managed projects on technology, technology transfer, global health, and climate change in the Gambia, Uganda, Timor-Leste, and Bhutan.