Our Services

Sustainable growth is an imperative, not an option. Businesses need to grow not only to provide better returns for shareholders but also to create jobs and to deliver social benefits. Innovation is recognized as the most powerful tool for rapid, profitable and sustained growth.

Whether you’re leading a mature business or a new venture, you will need to identify growth opportunities, make strategic choices, craft and communicate a compelling strategy, and ensure that you sustain momentum.

If you’re in an established business, you may face the “tyranny of success” – mature companies often find it challenging to overcome complacency and inertia and lack the courage to create game-changing innovations.

If you’re leading a new venture, you know that achieving first mover advantage and creating a compelling business model supported by innovative products and services are critical steps toward market leadership.

At the core of our services is Strategic Innovation & Organisational Change to drive innovation. To this end we work closely with you to:

Map emerging trends (e.g.,customer/consumer needs, disruptive technologies, societal, demographic, competitive, industry, regulatory, etc.), and use this new insight to define opportunities and strategies that will allow you to leapfrog the competition.

Enhance your leadership and management skills, and adopt practical tools for sustaining innovation.

Identify new, unique growth opportunities and solutions with the highest value for customers/consumers (through new product, service, category, and business model innovation).

Build innovation into your company’s DNA (culture, behaviours, systems, processes, organizational design) to provide self-sufficiency in driving Strategic Innovation over the long term

Innovative people working

Growth Through Strategic Innovation

Need to identify your next major growth opportunity?

Want to identify breakthrough new products, services, business models and customer experiences to drive significant new revenue streams?

Innovation Capability-Building

Do you want to build strategic thinking, creative, and growth-focused skills among your executive leadership team and high-potential managers?

Breakthrough results depend on imaginative leaders who know how to view the world differently.