Disruptive Technology Trends Research

Disruptive technologies emerge more rapidly than ever and change the business landscape in ways that are hard to imagine. From the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data & Analytics, to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented and Virtual Reality, any new technology offers threats and opportunities for your organization.

We conduct proprietary research and deliver fresh insights to help you understand the potential impact of emerging technologies, to identify new opportunities, to make choices, and to define the strategies that will drive breakthrough growth.

Our approach begins by collaboratively mapping out the emerging trends that will impact your key markets or industry. Working with your cross-functional team in collaborative sessions we then merge internal and external market/customer insights with these technology drivers.

We lend our own expertise and tap into industry Thought Leaders, while ensuring internal organizational alignment throughout the process. The result: a growth strategy and implementation plan consisting of new product, service, and/or business model innovations that capitalize on disruptive trends and technologies.

Questions that keep you awake at night

  • What are the most important trends that could disrupt my industry?
  • How are competitors and other industries adopting new technologies?
  • What are the best practices and risks associated with leveraging these emerging technologies?
  • What new products, services, and business models can we innovate that tap into the power of disruptive technologies?
  • What strategic partnerships or acquisitions should we pursue?
Innovative people working